Letter from Dr Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

There are several articles on this website about the terrible ordeal mother Mary Kidson had to go through in the UK, including going to jail, in order to get her daughter treated, and made well, with hormones.

This letter from Dr Thierry Hertoghe, M.D., December 24th 2015, thanks all those who supported him and Mary throughout this case and who were prepared to testify regarding the benefits of their own hormone treatement.

Strength in numbers?

Hormone Rights International

Dear Friends, Helpers, Patients ,Physicians from all over the world,

You must remember the indignified feelings that flowed by thousands from all over the world to England 1 to 2 years ago when the English health and police systems hardhandly interrupted the hormone treatments prescribed by me to the 14-year-old Victoria. These hormone treatments were getting her, finally after six long years, out of an extreme chronic fatigue state that had left her unable to attend school. Her mother Mary Kidson was put preventively into prison, because of the bringing of her child to my Brussels’ consultation and because her daughter out of desperation had phoned her too often from the psychiatric institute. These terrible traumas ended in:

•a collapse of the court trial against Mary Kidson and her acquittal in November 2014. The court trial was prematurely finished because the prosecution hadn’t been able to show any proof of wrongdoing. I did, however, have as Victoria’s physician the opportunity to testify during the time reserved for the prosecution, but the acquittal made it unnecessary that other parts of the defence with its many witnesses were presented.

•However, it took 8 more months because Victoria could come back home in June 2015 to her mother, the person who cared the most for her. It took several more months before the social services who neglected the conclusions of the trial, stopped imposing supervision.

Now everything is back to normal and OK again. This is all thanks to you all. You have been nearly a hundred to provide precious testimonies of your own medical treatments, which we have been able to present to the court, and thousands to sign the online petitions.

Here are the words of Mary: “Please do let everyone know and also give them our very grateful thanks for their support and kindness – we would not have won without them nor would Victoria be home.”

This is true. This is your victory too. Your interventions have made the world a little better. Justice has prevailed. Not only have you helped by putting pressure on the medical and legal authorities, but your support has helped Mary and Victoria of knowing they were not alone, that some people out there in the big world cared for them.

Thanks warmheartedly and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, you fully deserve it.

Thierry Hertoghe, MD

President of the International Hormone Society

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Posted in Bioidentical Hormones, Diagnosis & Treatment of Thyroid Problems, Evidence Based Medicine, Mainstream Medicine.

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