Ministry of Health
To Whom it May Concern,
It has come to my attention that there are concerns within the Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) over the use of desiccated pig thyroid. I am writing to convey my despair and frustration that the MOH does not seem open to allowing a patient to determine their own health choices, especially when my doctor provides an invaluable, scientifically founded and results-driven service.
I came to know about my doctor after being diagnosed with an auto-immune condition, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. The specialist I was seeing upon my diagnosis could offer no explanation for my condition, nor offer any advice on how to improve my symptoms, other than by taking the prescribed T4 based medication. Out of frustration, I educated myself about my condition and looked for a doctor who would consider all my symptoms in a holistic way.
My doctor guided me on my learning journey to make sure I was in control of my own health choices. However, he would always recommend that I made changes slowly, determine what was working and what was not, as well as providing good reasons for not following a particular form of treatment. Through his guidance I have improved my knowledge of my condition and most importantly improved my symptoms and health markers.
Before making lifestyle changes I was taking Nexium for reflux related issues, T4 for Hashimoto’s and was well on the way to needing a statin because of increasing blood cholesterol levels. After adopting the paleo lifestyle and changing to desiccated pig thyroid I no longer need Nexium and my cholesterol continues to fall from very high levels. Not only am I taking less drugs, but my symptoms of itchy scalp, itchy shins, weight gain, light headiness and others have practically disappeared. This was most definitely not the case when taking conventional medication.
I believe strongly enough in the services my doctor provides to recommend him to two friends that I’ve met through an auto-immune support group. Both of whom have provided positive feedback on their interaction with my doctor as they begin to address their own health issues.
I wish to continue having my doctor’s services available in Singapore to monitor and guide my journey to a healthier life through the use of appropriate lifestyle changes and supplements required for complex, chronic conditions, such as mine. If the MOH sees fit to discontinue my doctor’s ability to provide the treatment that I require then I will have no other choice but to find another holistic/integrated medicine practitioner overseas.
I am happy to provide more detail on just how effective the changes that my doctor made to my treatment have impacted my health and upon request will be happy to release my medical records as proof of such treatment.
Yours faithfully,
Blair Layton.