A Woman’s Hormones – What she Needs – Dame Dr Shirley Bond MB BS, LRCP MRCS, FFARCS

Dr Bond is a general practitioner. She was one of the very first doctors in the UK, over 25 years ago, to use bioidentical hormones, including natural progesterone, to enable women of all ages to balance their hormones naturally. She was also involved in the development of methods for diagnosing and treating osteoporosis in its early stages, before it becomes severe enough to lead to fractures.

She was honored for her work in the field of women’s health and for her work with Tibetan refugees in the 1990’s. Alongside her own private practice, she has lectured and written extensively on the subject of natural hormones including her book with AnnA Rushton on Natural Progesterone

When Dr John Lee, the pioneer of the use of natural progesterone for women’s hormonal health, visited this country [UK] she worked closely with him.  She continues to treat women from all over the world from her practice in Harley Street, London as well as offering telephone consultations.

Dr Bond’s website contains a lot of useful information and links, including a very clear and useful guide to hormones and bioidentical hormones.



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Posted in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Overseas, Bioidentical Hormones.

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