It’s not new – 2001 – Doctor Investigated for Using Basal Temperature Test and Natural Dessicated Thyroid

BBC News  – Health – May 17, 2001

Investigation into thyroid doctor

Tests for thyroid deficiency are controversial

A doctor offering controversial treatments for thyroid problems has been suspended from practice by the General Medical Council.

GP Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield, 64, who has a practice in Purley, Surrey, has been stopped from working for 18 months so that the GMC can complete its investigation.

This may or may not lead to disciplinary action, although Dr Durrant-Peatfield says he cannot afford to fight to clear his name, and plans to retire.

He now cannot treat or prescribe medicines for patients unless the suspension is lifted, and told BBC News Online he was “outraged” by the decision.

“All the GMC wants to see is my head on a spike,” he said.

Dr Durrant-Peatfield, who works outside the NHS, is a controversial figure in thyroid medicine, offering treatments which are actively opposed by many other endocrinologists.

The complaints to the GMC allege that the private GP had failed to examine patients properly, and gone on to prescribe inappropriate drugs.

He has received vociferous support prior to the GMC hearing on Friday from a large number of past and present patients who wrote to the organisation praising him.

Many say their lives have been transformed for the better by his treatment regimes.

One, Linda Thipthorp, from Truro in Cornwall, said that treatments from other doctors, involving radical surgery, had done nothing to improve her condition.

‘My health is still improving’

She said: “After being successively treated by the NHS I could not walk, only crawl about on my hands and knees.

“To be asleep was the only way I could cope with the pain.”

“Dr Peatfield diagnosed immediately what some 20 other doctors had failed to do. After three days I began to feel alive again and my health is still improving nearly three years later.”

The controversy centres around the diagnosis, and treatment of patients with hypothyroidism – a condition in which the thyroid gland in the neck is not functioning properly.

Patients diagnosed with the condition have a slow metabolic rate and are normally given supplements of the hormones produced by the gland to make up for the deficiency.

Dr Durrant-Peatfield prescribed a “natural” form of thyroid hormone – which is derived from the glands of animals, and given in dessicated form.

This was the form in which thyroid hormones were originally produced at the turn of the century, but were phased out in this country, with many doctors now saying that synthetically-produced hormone is best.

This, they say, is because it is difficult to know exactly the concentration of hormone that is being delivered by the natural form.

In addition, Dr Durrant-Peatfield believes that standard thyroid function tests used by the majority of doctors are unreliable.

Basal temperature

He recommends heavier reliance on something called the “basal temperature test”, which involves measuring the internal temperature on waking.

Conversely, many other doctors treating thyroid patients maintain that blood tests for thyroid function are reliable and accurate, and that it is the basal temperature test that is misleading.

However, Dr Durrant-Peatfield said it was “impossible” to misdiagnose a patient if a proper clinical history was taken.

“Blood tests are appropriate in some cases, but I don’t necessarily believe them,” he said.

If patients who do not actually have hypothyroidism are given, over a long period, extra hormones when they do not need them over a long period, there is thought to be an increased risk of bone density loss – which could make patients’ bones more brittle.

There is also thought to be an increased risk of heart problems in these circumstances.

However, the GP insists that there is no evidence of any of his patients suffering physical harm as a result of his treatments.

He said: “I am totally and utterly devastated about this, both for my own sake, and for my patients, who now cannot receive their treatment.”

A spokesman for the GMC confirmed the 18-month suspension by its Interim Orders Committee.


“Sub-laboratory” Hypothyroidism and the Empirical Use of Armour® Thyroid use

A very useful article by Dr Alan Gaby.


Evidence is presented that many people have hypothyroidism undetected by conventional laboratory thyroid-function tests, and cases are reported to support the empirical use of Armour® thyroid. Clinical evaluation can identify individuals with “sub-laboratory” hypothyroidism who are likely to benefit from thyroid-replacement therapy. In a significant proportion of cases, treatment with thyroid hormone has resulted in marked improvement in chronic symptoms that had failed to respond to a wide array of conventional and “alternative” treatments. In some cases, treatment with desiccated thyroid has produced better clinical results than levothyroxine. Research supporting the existence of sub-laboratory hypothyroidism is reviewed, and the author’s clinical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of this condition is described.

Alternative Medicine Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2004

Mary Shoman Interviews Dr Kenneth Wolinger – New Hypothyroidism Guidelines Ignore Patient Concerns

Kenneth Woliner, MD is an integrative physician in private practice in Boca Raton, Florida, who uses conventional medicine as well as evidence-based complementary and alternative therapies to treat a variety of conditions, including hypothyroidism. Dr. Woliner has concerns about the American Thyroid Association (ATA) new “Guidelines for the Treatment of Hypothyroidism,” and has shared them in this Q&A interview.

Dr Wollinger: I think they are misnamed. Instead of being called “Guidelines for the Treatment of Hypothyroidism,” this white paper should have been called “Levothyroxine: How to Protect its Market Share.” Simply put, the entire paper, starting with its “Background Statement” is a defense of levothyroxine monotherapy, despite the general dissatisfaction that many patients have when faced with no choices, and told there is only one possible drug to treat their medical conditions.

See the whole interview at:

Public Support and New Research Promote Changes in Thyroid Treatment Guidelines

Gary Pepper M.D.    October 21, 2014

Clearly this is not an endorsement for the use of desiccated thyroid but it does open the door for its use when the clinical situation is appropriate. Until now, a prescriber could face the accusation of recommending toxic treatment, if held to the AACE standard.

In overturning the prior ban on Armour the new AACE recommendations refer to a study done at the NIH by Hoang and colleagues published in May 2013 in  Clinical Endocrinology and Metababolism  which showed that desiccated thyroid could be used safely and effectively in treatment of hypothyroidism.  In this study, about 50% of the individuals treated at different times with levothyroxine and Armour preferred Armour, while 19% preferred levothyroxine. Since the time of publication of the NIH study, Paul Cassanova-Romero  and myself, published our study showing that almost 80% of people who had inadequate relief of hypothyroid symptoms on levothyroxine, preferred Armour Thyroid treatment.

In explaining the new stance of the AACE on use of desiccated thyroid, the committee also referenced a growing understanding of the diverse genetic factors controlling how the body utilizes and responds to thyroid hormone. Due to genetically programmed differences it is plausible that a portion of the hypothyroid population would require treatment with supplemental T3 (as opposed to  Synthroid or levothyroxine made of the hormone T4) supplied by Armour. In addition, desiccated thyroid contains other hormones which could be important to achieving full clinical benefits of thyroid replacement therapy. Genetic testing is not yet at a point where this could be used to determine who needs the addition of T3.

As far as the AACE’s stated concern about safety of Armour Thyroid, it seems strange that desiccated thyroid which has been in use for 100 years is questioned while the synthetic thyroid preparations available for merely half that time, are not being held to the same safety standards.

I have made a request to the organizers of the yearly national meeting of endocrinologist, to allow presentation of our study on patient preference for Armour Thyroid.  Several weeks have gone by without response to our request, however.  A public campaign will help assure the new information reaches the nation’s endocrinologists. For this purpose please email Sheila Spitola, administrator for the national meeting,  (   , with the statement,   “ I support an open discussion of use of desiccated thyroid in the treatment of hypothyroidism.  The authors of Conversion to Armour Thyroid from Levothyroxine Improved Patient Satisfaction in the Treatment of Hypothyroidism,  should be given the opportunity to present their data at the 2015 national AACE meeting. “



Conversion to Armour Thyroid from Levothyroxine Improved Patient Satisfaction

An interesting article by Gary M. Pepper & Paul Y.  Casanova-Romero in the Journal of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity,  2(3): 1055, (2014), which contains this telling sentence:

. . . treatment of hypothyroidism with levothyroxine (L-T4) monotherapy has been the standard of care in the United States for over 3 decades. This is despite the reported failure of this form of therapy to result in satisfactory resolution of symptoms in a portion of treated individuals.


The use of Armour Thyroid (natural desiccated thyroid) in the treatment of hypothyroidism has generated debate among endocrinologists although there is evidence that a significant percentage of patients prefer this medication to T4-only replacement strategies. In this retrospective analysis we investigate the preference for replacement therapy of patients with persistent subjective symptoms of  hypothyroidism on T4-only treatment who subsequently switched to Armour Thyroid (AT).

Methods: 450 consecutive patients being treated for hypothyroidism were screened. Of these, 154 had been switched from either generic or brand T4 replacement to AT for treatment of persistent symptoms of hypothyroidism. Patients undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer or on suppression therapy for nodular thyroid disease were excluded. Patients were instructed to have their blood sampled for thyroid function testing in the morning after taking their medication. After a minimum of 4 weeks on medication patients were asked to compare AT treatment versus T4-only treatment using a 5 point satisfaction rating scale. Results are reported as mean ± SD.

Results: On a 5 point Satisfaction Rating Scale with “5” indicative of the highest level of satisfaction, 117 (78.0%) patients gave a score of greater than “3” in preference for AT. Three patients treated with AT and one treated with LT4 reported adverse events, all minor. TSH was 1.30 ± 1.9 mIU/L and T3 1.81 ± 0.78 pmol/L on L-T4 monotherapy while TSH was 1.27 ± 2.2 mIU/L and T3 2.31 ± 1.33 pmol/L on AT (NS for TSH and p<0.003 for T3 ). T4 to T3 ratio on L-T4 monotherapy was 8.45 ± 3.7 while it was 4.70 ± 2.0 (p<0.001) on AT. There was no significant change in weight after switching to AT.

Conclusion: AT treatment produced high satisfaction scores in a group of hypothyroid patients with persistent symptoms on L-T4 therapy. Our findings suggest that AT preference is not due to placebo effect, induction of hyperthyroidism or weight loss. No significant untoward effects of this therapy were noted inclusive of 30 subjects 65 yrs of age and older. As suggested by Hershman [20], AT seems no more dangerous than adding T3 to L-T4 therapy and can be offered to patients who “don’t feel normal” on L-T4 monotherapy. Larger prospective studies would help clarify what role AT plays in replacement therapy of   patients dissatisfied with L-T4 monotherapy for hypothyroidism. Our results are encouraging to clinicians that this drug does provide a viable treatment alternative.


TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone; L-T4: Levothyroxine; T4: Thyroxine; T3: Triiodothyronine; AT: Armour Thyroid; L-T4 levothyroxine; NT: No Thyroid Disease; SRS: Satisfaction Rating Scale

See the full article at:

Sick to Death – Trailer

This short – very moving –  video tells the story of film maker Maggie Hadleigh-West’s struggle with thyroid issues, misdiagnosis and unsuccessful treatment with thyroxine. The doctor she finally found after a struggle of 30 years explained the importance of treating the patient, not the test results, and with the use of natural desiccated thyroid gave Maggie a new life.

(Warning:The movie contains some strong language.)

The following comes from the Sick to Death website.

About Sick to Death!

Please Note: This project is a work in progress, and we are currently shooting footage and gathering information for the website and films. Sick to Death! is funded by the Guggenheim Foundation. In Sick to Death!, a multi-platform project incorporating video, animation, medical research and an interactive website, artist Maggie Hadleigh-West exposes her own disturbing, yet determined thirty-year struggle to regain her spiraling health. After seeing hundreds of doctors who either disregarded her symptoms, misdiagnosed or undertreated her, Maggie discovers that her thyroid problem used to be a fully understood medical issue that has become all but erased, and which today leaves more than 59 million people sick and suffering. Follow Maggie into her colorful, unconventional, creative life where she tackles existential milestones, and through the assistance of her team of advisers, including a charismatic doctor, takes on the medical establishment. Participate in the unveiling of a huge body of medical information, which became obscured through the lobbying and business practices of a pharmaceutical giant. At once a deeply intimate portrait and a rousing invitation to seize life and health to the fullest, Sick to Death! invites audiences to turn our diagnoses into a call to arms. The final films will take several forms, including several short films to be distributed online to fans, a 60 minute television film also entitled Sick to Death!, and an interactive website which includes a platform for audiences to connect with one another and to build intentional communities. The project is intended to serve as both a work of art and a resource for millions of individuals around the world suffering from thyroid disease.

What do these people have in common: Adams, Bouc, Dach, Edwards, Heyman, Heiser, Luber, Lynch, Phan, Roberts, Saleeby, Stone, Trumbower and Yang?

August 13, 2014

Answer:  Brilliance in thought, courage in action, intelligent reasoning, and a willingness to learn from their patients as medical practitioners.

And that is all exactly why each of them was chosen to contribute as an author to a new Stop the Thyroid Madness book, titled

Stop the Thyroid Madness II: How thyroid experts are challenging ineffective treatments and improving the lives of patients

Janie Bowthorpe, who has offered to support Hormone Choice Singapore on her Stop the Thyroid Madness website, introduces her new book.

New Call for More Thyroid Options

An interesting article by Sumathi Reddy in The Wall Street Journal, August 5, 2013, which quotes a number of well known thyroid experts and discusses how the standard thyroid therapy does not work for everyone.

Grass roots patient-activist organizations with names like ThyroidChange and Thyroid Patient Advocacy, and the doctor-founded National Academy of Hypothyroidism, say that the current screening test for hypothyroidism leaves out some symptomatic patients and that the main medication used to treat patients, doesn’t always alleviate many symptoms.

They are calling for doctors to be open to other therapies, including a combination of synthetic hormones and the use of natural, animal-based ones.

However, this article seems to be best reached by copying and pasting New Call for More Thyroid Options into your browser.