Women Empowerment: Dispelling Medical Myths

Dr Helene B Leonetti invites us to share this excellent article, posted 16 June 2014. (Bolding by HCS)

The last fifty years have seen great changes in medicine, and being a part of the journey since 1961, I would like to offer a perspective.  Women’s’ health has been in the forefront of my practice, and there are two issues about which I would like to focus: thyroid health, and hormone replacement therapy.

As we get more and more aware of epigenetics and how everything impacts everything else, we can now almost smugly agree that the dietary, environmental, hormonal, increased toxic load, and emotional connection to thyroid function is real.  Yet, the paltry testing and interpretation of those tests have not changed in these last 50 years.  It is a given that women experience far more thyroid disease than men: perhaps 10:1.  And yet, we continue to measure TSH and occasionally free T4 to assess the health of this power organ located interestingly in the area of the fifth chakra.  The testing so essential includes free T3, reverse T3, TPO and thyroglobulin antibodies, ferritin, iodine, vitamin B12, and vitamin D (25 hydroxyvitamin D).  And the old values of TSH (0.5-5.5 now in some labs lowering the range to 0.4-4.5) is still absurdly too large a spectrum, the higher the number, the more underactive the thyroid.  Those of us practicing functional more integrative medicine desire the range more closely to 0.3-2.0;  yet the endocrine world has yet to adopt these more appropriate levels.  And even with the ideal TSH without looking at antibodies, and the other aforementioned levels, some 2-3 of every ten women I evaluate have abnormal findings.  

Adrenal dysfunction measured in saliva is closely aligned with thyroid function and it, too should be evaluated, because one cannot replace thyroid without addressing adrenal fatigue, which is beyond the scope of this writing. We know that heavy metal intoxication, chronic candida from environmental mold, pesticides, gluten sensitivity all impact thyroid health.  Interestingly, the more physiological T4/T3 preparation, known as Armour thyroid, was replaced with Synthroid (T4 alone) with the expectation that the body would know how to take the inactive T4 and convert it to the active T3.  Our bodies are magnificent and magical and if left to their own devices could do this, providing we give the necessary cofactors to assist liver detoxification and conversion to the active form.  But since we still do not accept the vital role of ingredients provided by pure untainted food and nutrients, we cannot put all the pieces together, and continue the band aid approach to therapy.  The important role of compounding pharmacies comes into play here, as Armour thyroid has gone through some struggles with availability and quality, and so many physicians are choosing to have thyroid compounded from porcine thyroid powder under strict regulations, without fillers and additives, often harmful for patients with multiple chemical sensitivities.

Which is my Segway (sic) into hormone replacement for women.  One must remember history so as not to repeat it, said Santayana.  Back in the 1960s an infamous book written by then president of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Robert Wilson, MD, titled ‘Forever Feminine’ extolled the benefits of Premarin (pregnant mares’ urine) an estrogen which became not only the largest selling hormone, but drug in the industry.  This well publicized book by the Wyeth Company who sold Premarin was read by millions of women who flocked to their doctors requesting the miracle hormone that would prevent them from becoming dried up sexless hags, aging with little ability to attract a loving partner.  

This drug which was produced by torturing magnificent mares and their fouls (that story told most eloquently by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) became so profitable and ingested by hundreds of thousands of women, and because it was ordered as estrogen alone, approximately four per cent of women developed uterine cancer.   Back to the drawing board, our astute forefathers realized that if a woman still had an intact uterus, she required the other important hormone, progesterone, to balance the stimulatory effects of the estrogen.  Thus was born MPA (medroxyprogesterone acetate) a synthetic progestogen patentable (operative word here) and it was cleverly marketed as Prempro.  The issue here is that synthetic progesterone has many side effects (see the PDR) and many women began complaining, such that many albeit unnecessary hysterectomies were performed so that women needed only to take estrogen.

This is where the medieval solution to this problem originated and continues to his day. We now know that synthetic progestin is actually more carcinogenic than estrogen, and to the credit of the pharmaceutical industry, a more bio identical progesterone capsule, named Prometrium, has been added to the tool kit of my colleagues.  And if estrogen, and a more gentle plant based form which we now have in pills, patches, sprays, gels were always ordered with the more  balancing natural progesterone, I may not be writing this.  But this is not the case.  Despite the fact that God gave women two major hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and to a lesser amount, testosterone, most physicians stay stuck in the 1970s thinking that if there is no uterus, there is no need for progesterone, especially since we are most familiar with the synthetic version.

My final observation: my profession continues to denigrate bio identical hormones, compounded specifically by pharmacists trained to do so, claiming they can be dangerous, tainted, and found to be dose erratic, according to some critics.  Yet for 25 years I have measured hormones in the saliva, and along with a comprehensive thyroid panel, AND most importantly, my patient’s story, I have been able to formulate small, appropriate doses of these hormones, preferably administered through the skin or in the vagina, thus avoiding first pass through the liver and avoiding cytokines and clotting factors which can be affected by estrogen pills.  And the one size fits all hormones provided by the pharmaceutical industry cannot come close to addressing each patient’s unique biochemistry.  

It is time that we release our egos and righteous indignation about whether we are in the conventional or alternative camps of medical practice.  We are here to serve our patients, and when we integrate the best of both worlds, those whom we serve benefit.  I just had back surgery: not angel dust or acupuncture, though I certainly gave those attention: this is a metaphor for how we need us all.

Helene B Leonetti, MD


Hormone optimisation therapy for you?

Dr Amir Farid Isahak

This article taken from The Star online 13 April 2013

The acronym, HOT, which stands for hormone optimisation therapy, is about increasing levels of hormones which are within the ‘normal’ but low range, especially if accompanied by symptoms.

In my previous four articles, I explained the roles of one dozen hormones that are evaluated and corrected by wellness and anti-ageing doctors.

I have mentioned that when you go for your “executive profile” blood tests, only one hormone (TSH or T4) is tested. And when this is normal, you are told that you are okay.

Well, in fact, many other systems may be going haywire inside you. For example, for the sex hormones, most men past 50 don’t have a clue that they are andropausal (male menopause), unlike their female (menopausal) counterparts who know their status because their once regular menses have ceased.

In fact, many men in their 40’s already have low testosterone, some low enough to be defined as andropause.

How can you know that your body is healthy and working well if you don’t have a clue about the levels of all the important hormones in your body? For example, many of my patients were shocked to learn of their low HGH (growth/youth hormone) or testosterone levels. Without testing, they would not have a clue.

Many unhealthy men are also walking around with excess oestrogens, with some having more oestrogen (oestrodial) than their menopausal wives!

An anti-ageing hormone assessment would include at least 10 of the hormones mentioned in the last four articles. In future, when we understand more about the other hormones (and when testing becomes cheaper), many more will be included. The more of these hormones are corrected or optimised (if necessary), the better your health.

HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy

I will not discuss the details of hormone therapy, but only the concepts. You should always get the advice of your doctor, and never self-medicate with hormones as the subject requires much understanding, and the wrong treatment can cause more problems for you.

In general, therapy should only be carried out by doctors who understand the subject well, after careful evaluation, and with regular reviews/follow-up.

Most of you are familiar with the term HRT, which means hormone replacement therapy. It should mean the replacement of any hormone (eg thyroid for hypothyroidism, insulin for diabetes), but the term has been hijacked by gynaecologists to become synonymous with female sex hormone HRT or simply female HRT.

Female HRT is further divided into ET/ERT (oestrogen therapy/replacement therapy), PT/PRT (progestogen therapy/replacement therapy, usually only in younger women with “oestrogen dominance”), and EPT/EPRT (combined oestrogen+progestogen therapy/replacement therapy, which is most common for menopause).

“Replacement” implies using something to replace what is deficient or absent. For women who undergo natural menopause, the decline is gradual and HRT is “optional” after weighing the pros and cons (made very confusing since even the experts disagree).

However, women who have their ovaries removed for whatever reason before natural menopause (ie surgically-induced menopause) should go on HRT because the oestrogen deprivation is sudden and drastic, and the residual oestrogen production by other tissues (eg fat) can be extremely low.

There is little controversy in the replacement/replenishment of thyroid hormones, insulin, cortisol and other hormones when these are deficient.

The controversy arises in female HRT because of unexpected adverse results after long-term studies; in the use of natural or “bio-identical” hormones as a solution to this; and in replenishing other hormones in patients who have “low normal” levels who want to improve their health.

Synthetic and horse oestrogens

All the studies, including the WHI (Women’s Health Initiative, US) and The Million Women Study (UK), which alerted the world that female HRT was not safe, only studied women who were on synthetic and/or horse hormones.

Although their conclusions are still being debated now, these studies virtually halted HRT.

It is a pity, because menopause carries many health risks, and women were deprived of the right solution.

Two to three decades ago, when I was a full-time gynaecologist, we did not have much choice of female HRT drugs. And the ones most promoted, and therefore the ones we were most familiar with, used CEE or conjugated equine oestrogens (ie oestrogens obtained from pregnant mare urine) as the oestrogen component.

The drug insert and reference books listed the active ingredient as CEE. However, since all this controversy, I notice that it is not listed as CEE anymore, but as “natural oestrogens”, which hides the fact that it comes from the horse, although it is indeed from nature!

It does provide some benefits, and is still widely used by doctors after 70 years in the market.

When female HRT was first introduced, doctors only used synthetic and/or horse oestrogens. Soon, they realised that the women were getting uterine cancers. So they added progestins (synthetic progestogens) in combination with the oestrogens. This combination reduced the womb cancers but increased the number of breast cancers instead.

Nobody of course bothered to study the bio-identical oestrogens and progesterone (natural human progestogen) because the drug companies cannot patent them.

Now we have other choices (apart from conventional synthetic/horse hormones) to treat menopausal problems, including herbal medicines, selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), selective tissue oestrogenic activity regulator (STEAR), and natural bio-identical hormones (for more on the subject, please refer to Hormones for health, Fit4life, Feb 17, 2013).

BHRT/ BIHRT – Bioidentical HRT

The controversy over BIH (bio-identical hormones) and their use in HRT (BIHRT or BHRT) continues unabated. The Malaysian Menopause Society (MMS) is bringing down Dr Tobias Johannes de Villers, the President of the International Menopause Society (IMS), to explain its stand against BIH, while the Society for Anti-Aging, Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine Malaysia (SAAARMM) will also bring international experts to explain the benefits of BIH at their respective congresses in KL within the next few weeks.

Ironically, while MMS officially rejects BIH, its latest newsletter (April 2013) carries advertisements of both bio-identical and horse-derived hormones side by side.

Here I quote the position statement of the A4M (American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine), the world’s largest medical anti-ageing organisation, which is adopted by our own SAAARMM: “It is the position of the A4M that the use of hormones in ageing patients to replenish these levels to a youthful physiologic state, when conducted by qualified physicians trained in the practice of treating age-related hormonal decline, constitutes a legitimate and important life-enhancing, life-extending medical application.

“Bio-Identical Hormones have the same chemical structure as hormones that are made in the human body. The term ‘bio-identical’ indicates that the chemical structure of the replacement hormone is identical to that of the hormone naturally found in the human body. In order for a replacement hormone to fully replicate the function of hormones, which were originally naturally produced, and present in the human body, the chemical structure must exactly match the original.

“Thus, BIHRT is a method by which replaced hormones follow normal metabolic pathways so that the essential active metabolites are formed in response to the treatment. It is the molecular differences between bio-identical and non-bio-identical that may prove to be the defining aspect in terms of their safety and failure to make this differentiation could be misconstrued.

“Regrettably, a number of articles recently appearing in various newspapers and magazines have falsely suggested that BIHRT is unsafe and ineffective.

“The goal of BIHRT is to optimise function and prevent morbidity with ageing and to enhance quality of life. With proper modification, adjustment and titration by an experienced anti-ageing physician, the benefits of BIHRT far outweigh the risks.” (Extracted from www.saarmm.org)

I fully endorse the above statements and have found BIHRT most useful in my own practice. There are many other doctors who have achieved better results with BIHRT compared to synthetic or horse HRT.

HOT – Hormone Optimisation Therapy

Now I would like to introduce a new acronym, HOT, which stands for hormone optimisation therapy. While the term hormone optimisation therapy is not new, I would like to stress that HRT was meant to replace/replenish severely deficient hormones (as in andropause, menopause and hypothyroidism) while HOT is about increasing levels of hormones which are within the “normal” but in the “low normal” range, especially if accompanied by symptoms.

What about those with “low normal” levels but who do not have symptoms? Well, actually, many don’t complain because they don’t realise or don’t know what they are missing.

Often, the deterioration in health occurs gradually, and there is a large overlap of symptoms attributed to other problems such that the patients may not complain about it, and doctors may not know if the “low normal” hormone levels are causing or contributing to sub-optimal health.

Many patients with “low normal” hormone levels (eg testosterone) report improved health and wellbeing after hormone optimisation (ie therapy to increase levels from low-normal to average or higher levels).

Anti-ageing doctors may be accused of over-treating if this concept is not understood by other doctors who just go by the lab results. Many people don’t realise that they should and could be much healthier than they are, if only they get their hormones checked and optimised.

Even if you live a healthy lifestyle, have adequate sleep, manage stress well, eat a healthy diet (plus supplements as necessary), exercise regularly (including building muscles and of course doing some qigong) and maintain your ideal weight, you should still check and optimise your hormones to achieve the best of health.







Combined hormone replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer in a French cohort study of 3175 women.

French study shows that when bioidentical hormones are used there is no increased risk of breast cancer

de Lignières B, de Vathaire F, Fournier S, Urbinelli R, Allaert F, Le MG, Kuttenn F


The largest-to-date randomized trial (Women’s Health Initiative) comparing the effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and a placebo concluded that the continuous use of an oral combination of conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) and medroxy-progesterone acetate (MPA) increases the risk of breast cancer. This conclusion may not apply to women taking other estrogen and progestin formulations, as suggested by discrepancies in the findings of in vitro studies, epidemiological surveys and, mostly, in vivo studies of human breast epithelial cell proliferation showing opposite effects of HRT combining CEE plus MPA or estradiol plus progesterone. To evaluate the risk of breast cancer associated with the use of the latter combination, commonly prescribed in France, a cohort including 3175 postmenopausal women was followed for a mean of 8.9 years (28 367 woman-years). In total, 1739 (55%) of these women were users of one type of estrogen replacement with systemic effect during at least 12 months, any time after the menopause, and were classified as HRT users. Among them, 83% were receiving exclusively or mostly a combination of a transdermal estradiol gel and a progestin other than MPA. Some 105 cases of breast cancer occurred during the follow-up period, corresponding to a mean of 37 new cases per 10 000 women/year. Using multivariate analysis adjusted for the calendar period of treatment, date of birth and age at menopause, we were unable to detect an increase in the relative risk (RR) of breast cancer (RR 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.65-1.5) in the HRT users. The RR of breast cancer per year of use of HRT was 1.005 (95% CI 0.97-1.05). These results do not justify early interruption of such a type of HRT, which is beneficial for quality of life, prevention of bone loss and cardiovascular risk profile, without the activation of coagulation and inflammatory protein synthesis measured in users of oral estrogens.



Hormones in wellness and disease prevention: common practices, current state of the evidence, and questions for the future – Erika T. Schwartz & Kent Holtorf,

This article attempts to clarify some of the confusion and controversy surrounding estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, growth hormone, and thyroid hormones and discuss their roles as supported by the present state of evidence in disease prevention and aging as they apply to the primary care practice.





The Truth About Hormone Therapy – Erika Schwartz, Kent Holtorf and David Brownstein

The Wall Street Journal March 16, 2009

An interesting study of “how special interests, a confused medical establishment, and opportunists can combine to complicate the issue and deny patients access to safe and effective treatments”.

Evidence?  (bolding by HCS)

There are 25 years of scientific research with hundreds of studies in the U.S. and Europe that have demonstrated that bioidentical hormones, estradiol and micronized progesterone, are equally or more effective than synthetics — and safer. Yet mainstream medicine has buried its head in the sand and refused to take these studies seriously.

The article concludes:

Sadly, seven years after the WHI study finding Premarin/Provera unsafe, the hormone-replacement debate can be summed up in three words: confusion, ignorance, misinformation. Meanwhile, millions of women have embraced bioidenticals, leaving their conventional physicians looking stubborn and foolish.

The medical establishment must stop kowtowing to drug companies and start serving women’s best interests — and that involves widely prescribing bioidentical hormones. This will lead to healthier, happier women and, in the long run, help reduce America’s skyrocketing health-care costs.


See:  http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123717056802137143

Natural (Bioidentical) vs. Synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy – Drs Jacob Teitelbaum & Kent Holtorf

The Safety of Bioidentical Hormones — the Data vs. the Hype
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD   

From the Townsend Letter June 2007

As a friend of mine used to say, “If things don’t make sense, follow the money trail.” Because the sale of non-bioidentical estrogen and progesterone makes so much money for drug companies, I suspect that those companies find their profits very threatened by the use of safer or bioidentical hormones. As has frequently been the case when natural products threaten pharmaceutical sales, there appears to be a major public relations misinformation campaign. Although I am not privy to what goes on in the pharmaceutical “back rooms,” my impression is that they feel that if consumers can be confused and frightened enough by misinformation, profits can be protected. My impression (as a physician without a financial stake in either side) is that bioidentical hormones are far safer and effective than synthetic progesterone and pregnant horse urine (Premarin). Historically, unfortunately, when there is big money to be made, there has been no problem getting big-name doctors to tout the health benefits of infant formula over breast milk and even of smoking! It’s sad when information put out by actresses, like Suzanne Somers in her recent book Ageless (on bioidentical hormones), is more accurate than information put out by prominent physicians! But this is what happens when money talks.

To help supply more accurate information on the subject, I’d like to offer readers an excellent review article by Dr. Kent Holtorf. Kent is a superb physician and a friend of mine whom I greatly respect. I think that after reading this article, it will be clear to you that bioidentical hormones are the way to go.

Natural (Bioidentical) vs. Synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy
by Kent Holtorf, MD

Below is a review of the medical literature demonstrating how natural hormones are superior to their synthetic counterparts. [Evidence? HCS]The conclusion is clear that bioidentical hormones are a safe alternative to Premarin and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), marketed as Provera. The natural bioidentical hormones are very different from their synthetic versions, often having completely opposite physical and cellular effects. Thus, it is critical that women be given the information that these natural hormones do not have the negative side effects of the synthetic hormones and in no way pertain to the conclusions reached by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study. Natural hormones are a safe and more conservative approach to hormone replacement therapy that does not carry the risks associated with Premarin and Provera.

Read in full at: http://www.townsendletter.com/June2007/painfree0607.htm

Point/Counterpoint: The Case for Bioidentical Hormones – Steven F. Hotze, M.D. & Donald P. Ellsworth, M.D.

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 13 Number 2 Summer 2008

This very academic article (with 66 academic references) makes interesting reading for anyone looking for “evidence” regarding the benefits of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Some snippets:      

        Compounding Pharmacies

The key issue is the use of human hormones at the appropriate dose—not the type of pharmacy. Most physicians using bioidentical hormones have a significant percentage of prescriptions filled at compounding pharmacies rather than non-compounding retail pharmacies. This is because compounding affords advantages such as customized dosing, so that the lowest effective dose can be used, and allows the prescribing of hormones such as estriol that are not available at non-compounding retail pharmacies.

.  .  .

Wyeth, the maker of Prempro, has been a leader in opposing the use of compounding pharmacies and has effectively petitioned the FDA to assist in eliminating competition. Could this be related to the fact that Wyeth made more than $1 billion annually from the sale of Premarin and Prempro before theWHI study? These drugs are still on the market although they are known to increase cancer risk.

The Importance of the Identical Structure

Molecular structure determines activity. The smallest of changes can completely change the physiologic effect. Consider testosterone and estrone, whose structures are shown side by side in Figure 1. The mere existence of an effect similar to that produced by a hormone does not make a compound a hormone. If it did, plastic would be a hormone. For example, bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogen receptor agonist. When BPA binds with the estrogen receptor, the complex so formed interacts with DNAand can lower sperm counts and increase the risk of developmental problems, cancer, schizophrenia, neurologic disorders, and weight gain. The interaction with the hormone receptor does not make BPA a hormone—but rather the hormone mimicry interferes with normal physiologic processes, causing a wide variety of adverse effects.


The use of exogenous chemicals as hormone substitutes has been shown to be unsafe and should be stopped. Hormone supplementation should be done with compounds identical to the natural molecules. Although more research is needed, there is already evidence of the benefits of hormone supplementation in the proper doses and in proper balance. The future of medicine is in physiology rather than pharmacology.

Read the whole article at http://www.jpands.org/vol13no2/hotze.pdf


Estriol & hot flashes: How the right forms of estrogen may help fight cancer, MS and more – Dr Jonathan Wright

Reprinted From “Nutrition and Healing”

An interesting article about estriol – “the forgotten estrogen”.

Food for thought?

“At a convention last fall, I listened to a European professor report her estrogen research findings. When I asked her about her thoughts on conventional hormone replacement therapy (the kind that caused so much trouble last year, which uses horse estrogen called Premarin), she laughed, and said that no one in Europe would even think of prescribing it. She noted the safety of estriol, and pointed out that although “estrogen” prescriptions are used much less frequently in Europe than North America, when estrogen is prescribed, it’s almost always estriol. “We’re not horses!” she said.”

Read the whole article at http://www.tahomaclinicblog.com/estriol-hot-flashes/

Bioidentical Testosterone: The best male anti-aging tool the experts don’t want you to have – Dr Jonathan Wright

A useful and interesting article by this Harvard graduate, one of the fathers of bioidentical hormone therapy, in which the author claims:

For over 30 years, I’ve worked with men ages 45 and up whose symptoms and tests indicated a need for bio-identical testosterone. The results have been gratifying for everyone involved. Most notably, bio-identical testosterone therapy helps improve mood, attitude, cognitive ability, and general outlook on life. Many wives and families have observed that “Grandpa is a lot less grumpy,” remembers things better, and laughs and smiles a lot more often.

Plus, bio-identical testosterone improves muscle mass and strength, rebuilds bone, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, lowers total cholesterol and blood sugar, raises HDL (“good”) cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, lessens the chances of blood clots, improves tissue oxygenation, improves the health of a non-cancerous prostate gland-and that’s all before we get to testosterone’s positive effects on libido and your sex life.
